
MOEWE presents at virtual LPM 2020

We present the latest experiments for laser drilling with our ultra-fast polygon scanners of the PM series.

The presentation “High throughput laser drilling with high power lasers using a two-dimensional polygon mirror scanner”
will be held by  Dr. Rößler on Thursday, June 25th, at 9:40 a.m. in Session 34.

News, Press release

Young Talent Award of the German Society for Materials Science

On November 27, 2019, our employee Dr. Florian Rößler received the DGM Young Investigator Award for his doctoral thesis on “Fabrication and Applications of Complex Micropatterned Polymers using Laser Interference Methods”, which he completed summa cum laude at the TU Dresden in 2018.

To the laudation for Dr.-Ing. Florian Rößler (German)